Rae X. Yan, Ph.D.

Rae X. Yan was an Assistant Professor of British Literature from 1830-1900 at the University of Florida from 2018 to 2023. She taught undergraduate and graduate courses on Victorian literature, the nineteenth-century British novel, nineteenth-century literature and science studies, Golden Age children's literature, and video game studies. You can read her academic CV here.
She is now working as an executive resume writer/editor and homesteads on a farm with her husband and various pets. She enjoys growing in many different ways.
Dr. Yan pursued her PhD in the Department of English and Comparative Literature at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, where she also received a certificate in digital humanities. During her time at UNC-CH, she was a fellow of the Royster Society of Fellows of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill for her interdisciplinary work and her dissertation was awarded the Fred and Joan Thomson Award for Outstanding Dissertation Work. She completed her BA at Wellesley College where she majored in both English and Chinese Literature and Culture.